Kiva Micro Loans vs American Red Cross Donations – Kiva WINS!
Kiva was founded in 2005 and has created a crowdfunding micro-finance network with over 840,000 lenders and $369 million in loans.
Interesting things and random topics.
Kiva was founded in 2005 and has created a crowdfunding micro-finance network with over 840,000 lenders and $369 million in loans.
If you are attending Dreamforce 2012, you may be wondering if you will be able to find a quick and easy work space for email and meetings.
If you need a short break from the Dreamforce grind, why not try something new while giving back to the community?
Desk Pets are the first to create micro robotic toys such as a race car and tank which can be controlled via your smart phone. is offering non-accredited crowdfunding enthusiasts the ability to invest and obtain equity in startups.
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