Perfect Tweet Infographic

The Perfect Tweet Infographic

What does the perfect tweet look like? Many factors can determine a tweet’s success such as character length, relevance, mobile accessibility, and use of images.

Whether you tweet for personal or business reasons, you must quickly attract and entice your audience.

To do this, the perfect tweet infographic from below outlines some great tips and best practices.

These tweeting tips will ensure your audience gets the most out of your tweets. Below is a quick synopsis of this Twitter infographic.

Twitter Engagement

Acknowledge and engage people with the @mention. Use the @handle to reply or direct your message to another Twitter user.

You may say something like “@DanielTosh you are looking pretty skinny, do you have the manorexia?”.

Remember to also reply to @mentions to keep the conversation going.

Throw in a #hashtag or two to reach Twitter users outside of your circle who follow those #hashtags.

If you are tweeting for business, consider sponsoring your tweet as a Promoted Tweet to reach even more followers and potential customers.

Twitter Composition & Timing

Twitter allows you to tweet up to 140 characters, but this doesn’t mean you have to.

Try keeping it to 50 characters or less and remember to use @mentions and #hashtags.

Need to include a URL in your tweet? Use a URL shortener such as

Make sure your tweets are also timely and relevant.

Schedule your tweets to maintain a consistent presence.

Perfect Tweet Blueprint Infographic

Twitter Accessibility

If you point to a link via a tweet, make sure the website is mobile optimized.

Most people are using their smart phones and/or iPads to interact on Twitter.

Pointing someone to an un-optimized website may result in unsatisfactory user experience.

Twitter Visuals & Images

Take a picture with your smart phone and include it in your next tweet.

People love to see whats happening in “real life” and pictures are a great way to keep your Twitter audience engaged.


If you are an avid Twitter user and have more tips to add, please share this perfect tweet infographic with them on Twitter along with a link to this post.

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